Official Sponsor of Western Dressage Association of America The Western Dressage Association of America wants to thank it’s sponsors. At the brink of every revolution there are the Pioneers who will step up to start the journey, to break a new trail, and cross the divide. Our sponsors have done just that.

Learn how to become a sponsor here…

If you are interested in becoming a lifetime member, follow this link.

GOLD CONCHO                                                    

 Nick DiBella
Barbara & Michael Molland

James Callesto - Texas
Jessica Callier - Washington
Marcia Corbett - Florida
Felicia Crabb - North Carolina
Amanda Delgado - North Carolina
Marcia Drewry - Virginia
Shannean Fields - Oklahoma
Linda Hicks - Illinois
Jennifer LaCoe - Colorado
Elizabeth Lacroix - Nevada
Andrea Martin - Florida
Renee McKeen Ostheller - Washington
Denise Nelson-Finster - California
Emily Pethel - Maryland
Georgia Rogers - Hawaii
Carlo San Paulo - California
Teresa San Paulo - California
Melissa Schmalhorst - Texas
Lori Simmons - Tennessee
Jimmy Welch - Illinois
Leigh Wilson - Washington

LIFETIME MEMBERS                                                 
FOUNDING PIONEERS                                              

Trenna Atkins                                                               
Jec Aristotle Ballou                                                     
Darrell Bilke                                                                 
Denise Blacklaw                                                           
Guy & Karen Homer-Brown                                                     
Jim & Dee Brown                                                         
Robin Brueckmann                                                      
Lester Buckley                                                             
Cindy Butler                                                                 
Susan Carlino                                                               
Holly Clanahan
John & Neide Cooley
Mike Corcoran
Averille Dawson
Ludwig Alexander Deglmann
Jan DeLipsey
Granger Durdin
Madeline Erce
Karen Fischer
Bonnie Glasgow
Powersstone Farm, LLC
Julie Goodnight
Georgie Green
Michael Guerini
Alexa Hamilton
Linda & Bruce Hamilton
Ron Hammond
Dolly Hannon
Ursula Holly
ZsuZsu Illes
Judy Jensen
Tasha Landman
Jack and Sarah Lieser
Catherine & David Lindsey
Larry Mahan
Dene Masengill-Jones
Jenny McBurnett
Ron McLoughlin
Gil Merrick
Dr. Robert Miller
Barbara & Michael Molland
William Moroney
Frances Newsom
Lynn Marie Newton
Ida Norris
Jessy Olson
Anita Owen
Lynn Palm
Dana Pantano DVM
Lil Peck
Richard Polniaszek
Powerstone Farm LLC
MarySue Randolph
Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez
Esther Roberts
Jody Ruth
Bob Ruxer
Linnea Sidi
Meredith Sloan
Martha Jo Soule
Carolyn Stimmel
Cliff Swanson
Diana Swanson
Joyce Swanson
Susie Tautrim
Samantha Terry
Patti Thompson
Phil & Pat Van Buskirk
Dean & Allison Voigt
Paula Walker
Elaine Ward McKinnon
James Warson
Cara Whitney
Barbara Wood
Mary Woodward