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WDAA BREED ALLIANCESDesignated Alliances Partners are made up of breed organizations for the purpose of sharing educational opportunities and furthering the growth and pursuit of Western Dressage for riders and horses from all backgrounds. Alliance Partnerships work to educate equestrians to the value of using Dressage principles and progression in the development and utilization of the working Western horse. These Alliances share vital information and can offer unique funding and educational opportunities in conjunction with the WDAA 501(c)(3) nonprofit mission. For more information or details how you can become an Alliance Partner, Contact Us Now! ![]() American Bashkir Curly Horse Registry (ABCR)The American Bashkir Curly Horse Registry (ABCR) was founded in 1971 and is the oldest Registry of Curly Horses. The goals of the ABCR are to preserve this rare horse breed, to promote the Curly Horse as much as possible in shows and in the media, provide education about the special features of the horses and to protect the genetic pool of the small breed population worldwide. https://www.abcregistry.org/
![]() The American Morgan Horse AssociationThe American Morgan Horse Association seeks to advance the breed and offer exciting programs and services for all our members. Membership in AMHA can benefit you in countless way. We hope you’ll take the time to check out all the great “perks” and how your membership can help preserve, promote and perpetuate the breed for generations to come. https://www.morganhorse.com/American Mustang and Burro AssociationOur registry is the most comprehensive in the nation for wild equine and their descendants, being one of the only registries open to Mustangs, half mustangs and their offspring's as well as burros. We have volunteer State Coordinators and chapters across the country in order to bring our services and programs closer to our members and to provide a support network for adopters. We sponsor shows, playdays, clinics, educational programs and demonstrations, Rescue and Relocation service. http://www.ambainc.net/
American Paint Horse AssociationWe promote, preserve and provide meaningful experiences with Paint Horses. APHA VALUES: The American Paint Horse and those people who treat them gently, humanely and with respect. The unique skills and talents of our members. The equine industry and working with other organizations to achieve shared goals and ideals. Those who conform to accepted form-to-function conformation standards, which contribute to the breed’s versatility. All programs and services that promote a rich family life for our members and encourage leisure activities, recreation and fun. Long range planning, sound financial policies and continued investment in the future of APHA. https://apha.com/American Quarter Horse AssociationTo record and preserve the pedigree of the American Quarter Horse while maintaining the integrity of the breed and welfare of its horses. To provide beneficial services for its members which enhance and encourage American Quarter Horse ownership and participation. To develop diverse educational programs, material and curriculum that will position AQHA as the leading resource organization in the equine industry. To generate growth of AQHA membership via the marketing, promotion, advertising and publicity of the American Quarter Horse. To ensure the American Quarter Horse is treated humanely, with dignity, respect and compassion at all times. https://www.aqha.com/American Saddlebred Horse AssociationThe mission of the American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association is to promote and protect the American Saddlebred Horse with the highest standards of integrity and guarantee the purity of the breed through the recording of pedigrees and the transfer of ownership of the American Saddlebred Horse. https://www.asha.net/American Warmblood Society and Sporthorse RegistryThe American Warmblood Society & Sporthorse Registry is a performance registry that provides documentation, education, and a community for owners of quality horses purpose bred or acquired for English sport disciplines, including dressage, show jumping, eventing, hunter, and driving. AWSSR does not discriminate against horses of any particular heritage as long as it can demonstrate its potential to succeed in our sports through inspection or competition. We provide identity through registration papers, DNA profile, and microchipping. We celebrate the successes of our horses by awarding special custom medals, prizes, and ribbons for accomplishments in competitions and inspections. https://awssr.org/Appaloosa Horse ClubThe Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) honors the heritage and promotes the future of the Appaloosa horse. Provide services for the benefit of its members which encourage Appaloosa ownership and participation; Foster growth and membership in the Appaloosa Horse Club through promotion, recognition, advertisement and publicity of the Appaloosa; Charter a regional, national and international network of clubs or associations and provide support and assistance to them in their efforts to promote the Appaloosa breed. https://www.appaloosa.com/Arabian Horse AssociationThe Arabian Horse Association (AHA) was formed in 2003, as the result of a merger of the Arabian Horse Registry of America (founded in 1908) and the International Arabian Horse Association (founded in 1950). The purpose of formulating AHA was to create an organization of like-minded Arabian horse enthusiasts, and provide a focal point for their favorite recreational or competitive activities. AHA is the official Arabian horse breed association and registry in the U.S. and Canada, with 16,600 members and more than 1 million registered Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horses. The AHA Registry was created in 1908 and was formerly known as the Arabian Horse Registry of America. https://www.arabianhorses.org/
The International Chincoteague Pony Association & Registry (ICPAR)The International Chincoteague Pony Association & Registry (ICPAR) opened October 1, 2021. We are dedicated to providing official documentation for the Chincoteague pony breed so that it can preserve past bloodlines, protect future bloodlines, and promote the breed to the public. https://www.chincoteagueponyassociation.com/Friesian Horse Association of North AmericaFriesian horses originated in Friesland—a province of The Netherlands (Holland). The Friesian horse, one of Europe’s oldest breeds, was originally imported to North America in the seventeenth century but the breed was totally lost in North America due to crossbreeding. The Friesian was reintroduced to North America in 1974. Friesian horses are very versatile and can be used in riding for pleasure and in competition, for dressage, driving for pleasure and in competition and even for light farm work. Unlike some other European warmbloods, Friesians have not been bred as jumpers, although some owners enjoy jumping their horses. For more information see our Friesian Characteristics and Use page. https://fhana.com/the-friesian-horse/The Gypsy Horse Registry of AmericaMembership with the GHRA is more than just a piece of paper. It is a celebration of the Gypsy Horse. It is an open invitation to forge new friendships with others that are also interested in the breed. It is a total experience you won't find elsewhere. https://www.myghra.org/
Gypsy Vanner Horse SocietyIt is the mission of the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society to respect the spoken words of the Gypsy families who had dedicated lifetimes in the pursuit of developing and breeding the perfect caravan horse…the Gypsy Vanner. The Gypsy Vanner Horse Society’s mission is to bring honor, recognition, and a better understanding to these horses which the Gypsy people love so dearly. This registry was established to protect a vision that was born over half a century ago to create the perfect horse to pull their colorful caravans. https://vanners.org/Haflinger RegistryThe American Haflinger Registry is a democratic member-owned association dedicated to providing timely and accurate documentation of Haflinger pedigrees and ownership, as well as promoting the Haflinger breed through the sponsorship of shows, sales, advertising and our voluntary classification program. Join over 11,000 North American Haflinger owners in their promotion, support, and enthusiasm for this breed! Members receive reduced rates on Registry transactions, Haflinger Horse Bits newsletters, eligibility in AHR programs, and much more! https://haflingerregistry.com/International Andalusian & Lusitano Horse AssociationPreserving and Promoting Andalusian, Lusitano, and Half-bred horses The IALHA is an association of enthusiasts, breeders, and owners of these ancient and magnificent horses. We hold true to their long and glorious history and recognize the original bloodlines, which include horses from Spain and Portugal. We provide DNA verified registry services for Purebred Andalusians, Lusitanos, and Half-bred horses. Horses whose lineage can be traced directly to the studbooks of Spain and Portugal are registered as purebred. Any horse with one Purebred parent or two registered half-bred parents may be registered as a half-bred. https://ialha.org/International Friesian Show Horse Association (IFSHA)Every horse with Friesian blood should be able to connect with and preserve their authentic heritage. IFSHA intends to reach out to all people with these horses and bring them together to protect, promote and establish a harmonious show community. Our intent is to provide unity for all Friesians, a new way to inform the world about this special breed of horse, to protect the Friesian horse and its derivatives, and a way for people to safely enjoy their horses, to win recognition, and to form long lasting-friendships. https://www.friesianshowhorse.com/International Georgian Grande Horse RegistryBlending the graceful elegance of the Saddlebred with the size, bone and mind of the Friesian and/or Draft. The International Georgian Grande Horse Registry (IGGHR) was founded in 1994. Since then IGGHR has grown by leaps and bounds. IGGHR is now a member of the United States Dressage Federation All Breeds Council and also a member of the American Horse Council. Also fully recognized by USDF and USEF as participating breed, Georgian Grandes are eligible to compete for the USEF/ USDF / IGGHR All-Breeds Awards. The breed is becoming quite popular and more so each day as its many abilities are noticed and appreciated. There are many International Georgian Grande Horse Registry horses winning in dressage, eventing and show jumping. They can be shown in English Pleasure, Hunt Seat, Hunter Hack, English Show Hack, Driving and Western Pleasure. They excel at Renaissance exhibitions and make wonderful and dependable trail horses for the entire family. https://georgiangrande.com/Missouri Fox Trotting Breed AssociationThe Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association exists to record and preserve the integrity of the breed registry. It will be the mission of MFTHBA to promote the horse through membership participation in expositions, fairs, horse shows, trail rides and other venues; provide beneficial services for members to enhance and encourage ownership of Missouri Fox Trotters; and generate growth of the breed through marketing, promotion, advertising and publicity of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse. https://mfthba.com/National Walking Horse AssociationWe are a proud and dedicated organization, committed to showcasing the naturally-gaited Walking Horse at its very best. Through public awareness and promotion of the general welfare of the Tennessee Walking Horse, the NWHA serves as an advocate as well as a communication hub for the Walking Horse industry. https://nwha.com/Pinto Horse Association of AmericaTo improve, promote and enhance the Pinto Horse, Pony, Miniature, Utility Horse and Long Ear. To collect, record and preserve Pinto pedigrees and Pinto competition records. To represent the multifaceted world of Pinto ownership: breeding, competition and pleasure. To provide beneficial services that support and encourage Pinto ownership and participation. To educate by providing materials, programs and services that allows PtHA to be a resource organization in the equine industry. To promote the continued growth of PtHA through good horsemanship and good sportsmanship https://pinto.org/index.php/en/![]() Tennesse Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors AssociationThe Tennessee Walking Horse was originally bred to be a utility horse capable of carrying a rider over the rolling hills of Middle Tennessee in comfort and style, plow the fields and ride on hunts. Harnessed to surreys or wagons, it took families to church and the county fair. It was a practical breed of horse. These breed skills and traits make them a great option for Western Dressage. https://twhbea.com/US Lippizan FederationThis community of Lipizzan breeders, owners and enthusiasts provides a registry for this rare baroque breed and actively works to preserve, protect and promote the Lipizzan breed. Lipizzan horses represent over 450 years of select breeding for beauty, nobility, and a rare combination of courage, strength, ability, temperament, and intelligence. This breed has captured the hearts of those of us who have been fortunate enough to spend time with Lipizzans. https://www.uslipizzan.org/
The International Drum Horse AssociationThe Drum Horse is a relatively new breed, combining the Clydesdale, Shire, and Gypsy Horses to develop a Heavy Horse breed with natural athletic ability, a sensible attitude, and an ability to turn their hoof to almost anything. The best attributes of each of those individual breeds has created the Drum Horse we know today – a hybrid Draft Horse if you will. Named after a job they do; the Drum Horses are an important member of the King of Englands Band of the Lifeguards. They have had a long and illustrious role in the English Military and all Military Drum Horses carry the rank of Major. The Drums are proving to be worthy ridden, driving, work and companion animals and the popularity of them is increasing rapidly, a true testament to the breed. There now Drum Horses representing most of the equine disciplines around the world from Jousting to Dressage and everything in between. – The best attributes of the Clydesdale, Shire and Gypsy Cob creates the amazing Drum Horse. https://www.drumhorseassociation.com/